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Tenant App

How can a tenant app increase tenant satisfaction for your Class A community? As a luxury property manager, your job is about more than making your tenants comfortable—it’s about creating a lifestyle experience and a connected community that tenants love to live in.
levated Living is your partner in luxury property management. Our tenant-facing apps deliver convenience and peace of mind to tenants of your luxury multi-family property. Learn more about the benefits of tenant-facing apps and how they can streamline your processes so you can provide the highest level of service to your tenants.

Elevated Living’s Tenant-Facing Apps

Elevated Living’s all-in one tenant app offers convenience and amenities for your tenants, so you can unlock new revenue streams for your property. Features include:
Contact information
At Elevated Living, we believe tenants shouldn’t have to download several different apps to book various on-site services and amenities. Our all-in-one solution allows tenants to book and schedule services at the touch of a button.
Vendor Management
Property managers shouldn’t have to interface with several vendors to promote their services. Simplified amenity booking is a win-win for you, your tenants and the service vendors in your Class A community.
Event planning
Our team of dedicated event planners increase engagement in your community. Whether you need to organize a holiday party or a gathering to celebrate a building milestone, we do all the work for you. All you and your tenants have to do is show up and enjoy—we’ll even organize the clean-up after!
Streamlined communication
Luxury property tenants don’t want to make millions of trips to the office to sign papers, pay rent, submit maintenance requests and other tasks. By digitizing your operations, you save both tenants and your team time and hassle.
Tenant App

Benefits of Elevated Living’s Tenant-Facing Apps

Our white label tenant app benefit property managers and tenants alike, including perks like:
Improved experience
Offer tenants an experience they won’t forget when moving into a Class A building bustling with options and activities. Daily life in a multifamily community is easier, more comfortable and more convenient in buildings powered by Elevated Living.
Increased renewals
With onboarding emails and streamlined communication, you make your community more welcoming for tenants. Creating communities your tenants will never want to leave is easy with seamless move-in, scheduling of onsite necessities, and local connections tenants crave in urban settings.
Improve engagement
Cross-utilize your branded app and watch engagement soar. The more engaged tenants are, the more connected your Class A community becomes.
Decrease app fatigue
Your tenants’ app screens are already too crowded. and luxury building residents prefer not to download multiple apps to get the services they need. With Elevated Living’s turnkey solutions, they have access to amenities, maintenance requests, important documents and more all in one handy app.

Delight Your Tenants and Make Luxury Property Management Easier With Your White Label Tenant-Facing App

A tenant-facing app powered by Elevated Living makes your day-to-day job as a property manager easier, all while enriching the everyday lives of the tenants of your community. Schedule a demo today and start creating a custom app that meets the needs of your tenants.