We know what you might be thinking. Mother’s Day is over a month away - why are you reading about it now?
Mom's the Word
Think back to your most memorable Mother's Day celebration. Nothing coming to mind?

What essentially began as a women’s movement to better the lives of Americans, has turned into a national celebration of those who champion efforts toward better health, welfare, peace, and love. On the second Sunday of May, mothers of all kinds are given various forms of gifts and attention.
Skip The Typical & Get Creative
Did you know the busiest day of the year for restaurants is Mother's Day? While restaurant reservations may be a tried and true way to spend quality time with family, it's also the most typical (and least creative) option. Let this post be the inspiration for planning a celebration that engages residents of all ages, and shows moms how special they really are.

But, we're all guilty of under-planning events that celebrate the most important people in our lives, like our mothers. Most of us have dropped the ball one time or another when it comes to spending time or showing how much we care. And how many of us typically wait until the last minute to decide how to celebrate Mother's Day?
Let's admit it - moms deserve better.
This year, give your residents opportunities to say, "Love you, Mom!" while socializing with neighbors, friends, and family. Start the planning early, and schedule an entire week of multigenerational events that really show your community how much your management team values mothers of all kinds.

Not All Superheroes Wear Capes
With Elevated Living’s seamless event management services, residents can receive digital event notifications, register for events they want to attend, and share media directly to your building’s social feed - all from your branded community app. Residents who love to engage in person and online can now do both, while celebrating one of the most important people in their lives - mothers!
For those hard-to-please residents who want more than just another meal at their favorite restaurant this May, check out these popular events that will win hearts all around.

Celebrate Mother's Day the Entire Week
Not sure where to begin when planning a whole week of celebrations for moms in your community? Let Elevated Living's event services do all the work for your property management team. Your team gets to connect and nurture resident relationships instead of stressing, juggling set-up, or managing vendors.
Start with chair massages and Prosecco on Monday afternoon, a relaxing favorite that kicks off the week. Don't forget to celebrate your building's fur moms with a Yappy Mutter's Day grab-and-go or pet social on Tuesday. Pass out roses and rosé on Wine Down Wednesday, and watch residents gather to sip and chat midweek.
Give residents the opportunity to make personalized gifts with a floral arrangement class on Thursday and aroma curation on Friday. If mom's coming to visit for the weekend, you'll definitely want to plan a Saturday afternoon candle making class that allows residents an opportunity for last-minute gift preparation.
Sunday is here, and it's time to celebrate mom with the biggest event of the week - Kentucky Derby brunch! This year, the Kentucky Derby falls on the Saturday before Mother's Day. Whether your community chooses to host a watch party the day of, or replay the race action one day later, this event is sure to liven up your community space and give moms a reason to dress up. Complete with music options like a DJ or live band, catered food, cocktail bar, and signature derby hats, our event managers know how to make mom the star of any party.